Tuesday, January 14, 2020

廣祥泰 :: 買農曆年魚生干料

Had a few early lo-hei potluck gatherings to contribute to. I didn’t feel like cooking, so I volunteered to sort out the yusheng platter. I could have bought ready-packed dried boxes just about anywhere or order from the restaurants. But I don’t feel like going through the hassle of delivery or pick-up for a platter of yusheng; I'd rather the extra effort of going to the supermarkets or markets to buy the necessary ingredients and assemble the platter myself.

So I zipped down to trusty Kwong Cheong Thye (廣祥泰) at Geylang Lorong 27 to get the yusheng kit (which contains all the dried ingredients). I could assemble a platter in the usual way with fish and abalone or vegetarian. It isn’t difficult to blanch and shred carrots and daikon. Then I’ll zest it up with sashimi, and whatever fruits available at the supermarket on the makan dates.

At this time of the year, Kwong Cheong Thye’s retail shop at Geylang Lorong 27 has the dried stuff for yusheng tied up in clear plastic bags, and additional tubs of sauces on the shelves. You could select whatever you want. I’m sending a few kits overseas, so I got them in ready-packed convenient boxes. Looking at the entire store filled to the brim with customers, I gotta say that it’s quite a clever operation. Yah lah, it’s a very ‘Aunty’ thing to do, but I quite like this annual pilgrimage. I also wanted to stock up on soy sauce, Chinese-style belachan and stuff. Hahahaha.

At dinner at K and HW’s home, we also fed the dogs their evening meal there. I offered Choya salmon sashimi. To her credit, she ate two small pieces before rejecting the third, She wasn’t too keen on raw salmon. She only loves seared salmon. In contrast, the other dogs lapped it all up just fine. Zzzzzz. So I seared the salmon for her to be split into two meals, and added them to her usual protein of beef, egg and chicken gizzards.

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