Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The First GRIT™Strength Class of The Year

There, the first LES MILLS GRIT™ Strength class of 2020 completed. It was led by one of my favorite trainers for this class, J. When I signed up for the slot, I didn't know if it would be him or his sub, so I decided to be lazy and prepped the bar at 5kg-a-side. When J walked in, I was so happy that I added on 5kg, bringing it up to the usual 7.5kg-a-side. Hahahah.

It wasn't an excruciating first class of the year because I didn't binge or fall off the bandwagon. Hahah. I've never really over-ate during the holidays to the point till I have an obvious weight gain. My digestive system doesn't take well to being overloaded with food, so it’s a fantastic warning to take these festive meals in moderate amounts. What I do have to consciously watch, is the volume of alcohol I’m drinking. While I’m not prone to copious amounts of whisky or beer anymore, it’s terrible when I can polish off a bottle of red wine all by myself. Eeeps.

During this period, it's essential that I get these regular workouts. I make time for the classes. They help to keep my temper in check. When people forget to leave me alone and bug me about festive obligations, I tend to snap. In order not to do that because it can be rather rude, the right kinds of alcohol and workouts tend to temper the ferocity down to snark. (Puns and double entendre all intended,) I'm very direct. So for their sanity and my mental well-being, it's essential to get my heart rate racing in the right way. Reminder, I don't care whether "It would be nice" to do...whatever. I don't do things because it's nice to do so. I'm not in the business of doing 'nice things' that I don't like.

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