Thursday, January 16, 2020


The man actually demanded a pot of homecooked fish broth for dinner. He was quite plaintive, “I haven’t had a good bowl of fish soup for ages!” He didn’t want the stock to be dashi. He wanted Asian fish broth boiled with fish bones and a bit of pork bones. Fine. That would be a bit of work, but not impossible. It's something I can do easily, except it requires some patience. 🙄

The freezer had kurau bones and a fillet of red snapper. Those would do as a base. Toddled off to the supermarket to get the rest of the ingredients needed. Spotted a tray of beautiful fillets of in-season sawara (Spanish mackerel) and eagerly picked it up. Those would be seared to go along with the soup. Very fresh fish shouldn’t be boiled for so long, and I didn’t bother to get slices of tai to soak in the soup. Pan-fried sawara would do nicely. #ImpieCooks2020

He didn’t want udon or soba or beehoon with the soup. He wanted brown rice. Yay, less work for me! Hahahaha. Rice would go much better with seared sawara. I had ten pork shumai in the freezer (I made them last month). Along with Japanese oysters, the shumai were boiled up and added to our bowls.

The man was pleased as punch to finally have good soup. My soup pot serves only four persons. The man already had seconds. Heh. There was one bowl left for him that would be kept in the fridge for to be heated up for the next day’s breakfast with a little ball of rice, cold tofu and cold vegetables with miso.

The dog had her share too. There was a cheap fillet of sawara that held a lot of skin, which was perfect for her. Seared it, broke it up to check for bones. Hand-shredded sawara. OMG. How hipster does that sound? Added a Japanese oyster for her as well. The seafood went on top of the usual seared beef and omelette. Along with eggshell powder and probiotics, these made for a balanced meal.

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