Thursday, January 23, 2020

Casarecce Cacio e Pepe

Before the BFF flew out, I dragged her to dinner at Bar Cicheti. Made a face when the BFF asked for sauvignon blanc. She's a white wine person, and I'm so not a white wine person. The restaurant only had chenin blanc, chardonnay and riesling. She didn't care for the other grape varietals, so we stuck to a bottle of chenin blanc. Young and tart. Eeeps. We couldn't finish it. Ah well. It tasted fine cold.

The BFF didn't want to share food. She didn't want three starter portions of pasta because she didn't find anything else she was curious about. She single-mindedly went for the paccheri with Neopolitan ragù in a main portion. She had a bit of craving for that and wasn't keen to try other flavors, and definitely not the delicious-sounding tagliolini in sea urchin sauce, shallot crumb and chives. Pfffft. We can mostly share Asian food, but not Japanese cuisine unless it's soba and takikomi gohan stuff; it's hard for us to share western food because we tend to pick different items. She wouldn't eat what I pick, and neither am I hot about her mala/Sichuan peppercorns, Danish licorice and whatever pizza. Hahaha.

For carbs tonight, I stuck to my trusted casarecce cacio e pepe. Ordered that in a main portion because I was really hungry. It hit a spot, as always. No complaints. I skipped the starters. What I was gunning for, was dessert. LOL Very unlike me. Yes, I wanted a fig tart. Spotted the frangipane with caramelized black figs on shortcrust pastry. I couldn't resist figs! It was served with vanilla ice-cream. The sugar level was bearable. Rather satisfying. I had hoped for more figs, but I suppose garnishing the dessert with more figs would not be presentable. Heh.

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