Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Roti Prata with the BFF

I got the BFF home for two days before she flew out of the country again. The BFF was so jetlagged on her way to Mexico and the US, and she was equally jetlagged flying back to Singapore. Before she could get over it, she would be out again in another timezone. She wasn’t amused by my suggestion of staying jetlagged in Singapore all the way till her next flight out. Ah well, she could just crunch it out at F45 classes in order to be completely knocked out at night. If she could get in six solid hours of sleep for two nights, then she wouldn't feel like such a zombie.

The BFF was craving for local food; spices were sorely needed. A dinner of curry and roti prata was in order. I also had a ton of shopping (errands fulfilled) to pass to her. We might as well eat at home. She landed in the day and had time to rest and even unpack. So the moment she had a shower and a nap, I turned up at her doorstep, with shopping bags, dog and dinner.

The dog eagerly strolled around the house. Of course she didn't dare to go into the rooms. The living areas and kitchen were all to be explored. When we were packing away shopping bags and prepping dinner, she found her favorite spot to snooze under the couch. LOL Then as we ate, of all the spots in the house, the dog decided to rest under the dining table. I was so tickled that she chose to lie right next to the BFF. She practically rested her head on her foot for the entire duration of dinner. Haha! As fierce as Godma might be, Choya still lurrrrrves her. Silly dog. It was pretty obvious that she missed Godma!

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