Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Chicken Curry at Copper

We haven't stopped by Quaich Bar for many months now. Well, we have stopped hanging out for hard drinking at bars, and we've taken a step back where whisky is concerned. On some evenings, we've stopped by Quaich's sister bar, Copper at Lanson Place. Copper carries a large range of independent expressions from Cadenhead's.

Met friends that night at Copper, and decided to have dinner there too. We could simply tapau food to Quaich Bar for dinner too, but Copper’s location, larger kitchen and menu, its vibes and ambience all work better for us now. The bar’s well-equipped kitchen produces a superb collagen bone broth. They boil it for hours, and the results are lovely. One could order a mini bowl of that broth to sip. That’s also the soup base for their beef/chicken udon and somen. Alternatively, you could have the meat with rice, and the bone broth comes in a complimentary mini bowl.

Tonight, we requested for Copper’s Chandrew to make his famous chicken curry, and fried chicken masala. These items aren’t on the daily menu, but if you could give the kitchen a heads-up three days in advance, it’s do-able. Chandrew obliged. He made a pot and served them up with basmati rice. Spices galore. I’m not so keen on chicken, but I loved layering the thick curry over the rice and also stole everyone’s potatoes. Teeeeheeeheee. My stomach was stuffed and happy. That was an excellent dinner. Literally homecooked with care.

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