Friday, January 17, 2020

Spices At Lunch

Glad to be able to have lunch with the girlfriend at Un Yang Kor Dai. Spices to satiate her tastebuds after being away in Europe for weeks. And good for me because, Thai food here always rocks. I've missed her! It was lovely to hear about her trip. I now live vicariously through the friends' holiday stories.

With a dog, I gotta admit it's very tough portioning out time for friends, myself, work, gym and other pursuits. The man and I juggle schedules to ensure that she's never left alone at home for too long. Although she mostly sleeps. Hahaha. The man pulls equal weight in caring for the dog too. It's not as heavy a responsibility, not when one compares to the mammoth task of raising a kid/kids. If I had chosen to have kids, I'm cognizant that friendships will have to take a backseat unless the friends' kids' schedules match ours and our entirely social lives revolve around that. At least with a dog, I could still work around her walk and meal timings, and figure out dates in advance.

I'm grateful that somehow, my closest girlfriends are child-free, and they're not too annoyed by my new schedule these six months. These girlfriends, some have dogs and some have cats. Hahaha. We make it work by also hanging out with the four-legged creatures together. (Although initial meetings were full of barks, snarls, growls, swiping and fur.) For the others, they merrily help me out by agreeing to doing lunches instead of dinners, and on the occasion, don't mind a shorter date so that I can rush home to fulfill dog-momma duties. Or we hang out at dog-friendly restaurants and bars so that the dog is sorted. I can't be more thankful. 


Liverella said...

Fav, dependable Thai restaurant with friendly price ^^ it would take a careful logistic planning to travel for you too in future with Choya separation issue. Pawparents responsibilities are tough!

imp said...

tell me about it! i have to do a truckload of planning in advance in order to run away from the dog. One week isn't difficult. 10-14 days will be tough.