Saturday, February 15, 2020

Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar from Bateel

The BFF and I persistently tried out the video-call functions when she was in Dubai. All major VOIP functions are banned in Dubai. But we attempted to go around it. Still didn't work. Even VPN platforms were sketchy. Grrrr. Fine, we stuck to texts. There was nothing of great importance that couldn't be typed out in a text. I just couldn't check in with my god-daughter in real-time. Didn't bother with IG live. We were back to doing short clips and sending them to each other.

The BFF came back with goodies for us. She brought a box of Patchi assorted chocolates (mainly for the man), as well as a beautiful box of extra virgin olive oil and aged date balsamic vinegar from Bateel. Yay! I like fancy olive oil to go with avocados and salads. So much depth of flavors. Those bottles are so thin! Luckily they fit the height of on the shelves in the larder. Unfortunately I have no use for Bateel's sturdy box. Off it went into the recycling bin.

My larder is fully stocked at all times. I have a reserve volume that is replenished each time it goes down. These are just daily essentials, not war-time provisions. I do groceries weekly (mainly perishables), and stocking up on household washers and cleaners once a month. The dog's essentials run on their own separate schedule. Hahaha. I'm certainly nowhere near hoarding level. Toilet paper? Seriously. 

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