Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Two Dinners at Kamoshita

Lunch with friends is always easier to arrange, but work beckons too. Lunches are often spent in boardrooms or churning out drafts. If I didn't have to fulfill work commitments, I rather go to the gym, or if I can swing the time, ask a few favorite people (who work in the area) out to coffee or a quick lunch. Lunches are meant to be spent with people who know me, and we both give one another 'friend privileges' to arrange dates at the last minute.

Arranging for dinners take some juggling. Nights are to be spent with my favorite people. Depending on the schedule each quarter, if I get to have two or three nights out a week with friends and people I care for, that's fabulous. To be very honest, I've got no interest in staying out for four-hour gastronomic exploration dinners anymore because, dog. That's why I'm happy to cook a simple menu and host faeriefolk at home too. If I go out, a good meal with flavors I love, some drinks and lovely conversation will make my night. Kamoshita is my happy place because it serves my type of happy food. Loved it that I got to head out to dinner at the restaurant twice within two weeks.


Soooo glad that I got a night out with V. I'm super appreciative when friends make time for me. I was looking forward to her company, and share the bottle of sake. Oof! We finished a 180-ml carafe really fast, even before the first course arrived. Well, also it was crowded at the restaurant that night so the wait was a little longer, and we could drink faster. Hahaha. Tatenokawa's junmai daiginjo is delicious. The second carafe went slower since it complemented every bite of the food.

We were fairly focused on wanting to eat loads of that tai-meshi (鯛めし, sea bream rice). The stomachs were fully prepped for an influx of carbs. But we had space for some light bites in the manageable portions of oden.

Well, there was still a portion of rice to pack home. But it was the first time that the leftovers fit into a small round box instead of a larger rectangle box, and it was sufficient just one bowl for my lunch the next day. Heh.

Dinner with V.


There was beer to begin the meal with, and sake to accompany the food as they were trotted out. The claypot rice of tai-meshi had to be ordered. Nobody had to eat just carbs and there could be additional dishes to eat. Since there were four of us, the pot of tai-meshi was nicely finished. Wheeeee.

However, we also had a truckload of food. It was madness. From a portion of the oden omakase, as well as two servings of homemade cold tofu with nori no tsukudani (海苔の佃煮), a platter of sashimi, inaniwa udon with chicken and egg, karaage, some yam and bacon gratin thing, as well as a platter of cream cheese. They were so greedy as to even order grilled lamb chops. We even had a bowl of shaved ice with azuki beans and matcha for dessert.

Somehow, all these plates were polished off. It was madness. OMG. Everyone was stuffed. If I didn't get in a night swim, I'd have had indigestion. Remind me to never let these people to take charge of ordering food.

Dinner for four.

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