Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Fish for Choya at O'maJ

O'maJ doesn't offer food for dogs because that isn't a priority and it's not a dog cafe. They welcome pets to accompany their humans at dinner. The restaurant won't even be able to do beef for dogs no matter how logical it seems because of the wagyu cuts used (more suitable for humans because, fatty), and the meats would already be marinated.

When we ask O'maJ very nicely about food for dogs, they proposed doing up fish in the form of salmon or Norwegian trout, depending on the supplies in the fridge that day. We've been ordering 180 grams of fish for Choya whenever we have dinner here. (Paid for, and the bill reflects the weight and such.) Otherwise she won't get to eat till 10pm or later when we get home. She's comfortable eating at the restaurant too. Glad to have this option.

However, 180 grams are too much fish for her to eat in one sitting. I prefer her meals to be more balanced with different proteins and some fibre. I would bring a Thermos food jar, and take home half the portion of fish for the dog's next meal. I'd also mix in some air-dried meats (easy to port around in a snack bag) into the dinner bowl at O'maJ to balance out her meal.

But know that when we do this (mix the dogs’ food), we bear the risks. We should be aware of our dogs' food tolerances, and their tendency to lick and nibble at nonsense along the way to and fro the restaurant. If the dog gets diarrhea, we can't just turn around to accuse the restaurant of serving our dogs 'bad food'. It's similar to how humans shouldn't consume outside food at restaurants, and we check in with them before we bring in birthday cakes and such. No restaurant would want their patrons to fall ill from their food, so it’s the pet owners’ responsibility to watch what goes into their pets’ stomachs.

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