Saturday, April 18, 2020

Beer & Chicken Curry Delivered to Our Door

We can't see our friends except online. Or if we happen to run into one another when tapau-ing food, walking the dog or at wet market or supermarket runs. Even then, we have masks on, keep that physical social distance, and restrict conversations to literally under three minutes. Lest zealous officers and crazy humans think we're socializing and gathering in public and slap us with a fine and an official warning.

When friends cook and deliver food to us, or they have the restaurants and breweries deliver to us, that is super appreciated. They really don't have to, but it's an expression of their thought. As long as it's nothing extravagant, we accept graciously with thanks. We love their generosity, and all we want for one another, is to stay healthy and keep well. We can't visit one another — the most we can do, is to pack the food and do delivery runs. It's literally another three-minute drop-off, just to comply with our laws on no gatherings, and no visiting one another at home. Many of us do it through closed doors and a phone call, leaving our gifts on the friends' doorstep, or hire a courier (easily found) to deliver.

We had a wonderful dinner that night. Beer and food were delivered to us by our dear friends. S and N sent a carton of beer from Good Luck Beerhouse. Waaaaahhh. What a surprise! The carton contained stouts and pale ales! We started with the Day Off Pale Ale. A 640ml bottle of beer is easily polished off by two of us. I've never had beer from this brewery; am happy to be able to chug it! The pale ale was light enough but packs a punch. It went perfectly with spices at dinner.

Dinner that night was generously supplied by C. A day earlier, he had told us to cook rice, and he would send us three dishes for our next dinner. We ran out out frozen cooked rice. Time to cook, and to cook extra! 1.5 cups of basmati rice went into the cooker. Dinner arrived in boxes, and they held delicious contents of dhal, cabbage pesarapappu, and chicken curry. WOW! There was so much food, more than enough to keep one portion for the man to have as breakfast or lunch the next day. Ahhhhh. We felt so pampered.

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