Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Loaf of Red Wine and Longan Sourdough

The neighbors sent us a new loaf of flavored sourdough. They said that they were experimenting and the bread might be a tad wet from the longans and red wine. They said it was their iteration of a Wu Pao Chun loaf. I was like, 'huh'? I've seen the bakery Wu Pao Chun pop up but I don't know it. I had assumed it was another brand extension of BreadTalk. Hahaha.

It was only when I looked it up then I learnt that Taiwanese baker Wu Pao-chun shot to fame when he won some Parisian bread championship in 2010 with his creation of 'Red Wine Longan and Lychee Rose Royal bread which included rose petals, dried lychees and millet wine'. It's S$23 for a loaf. Okaaaay. Whatever. I'm not curious enough to want to order it or get anything else from the bakery.

Took out a slice of the neighbors' sourdough for lunch. Remembering what the neighbors said about moisture, I decided to toast the bread for a short 90 seconds. The man likes his bread totally toasted and will do it for three minutes on each side. I prefer a less crisp version of it. Mine came out only slightly toasted; it wasn't dry or wet. It was perfect. Threw chunks of freshly whipped French butter onto it. (Yes, I like my butter in chunks, not evenly spread on bread. I'm weird like that.) Wow. Bread and butter. It was GORGEOUS. It's delicious enough to eat it plain too. Such a tasty loaf of red wine and longan sourdough.

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