Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Assam Pedas Belimbing Fish Curry

When the tingkat menu for Bollywood Veggies promised assam pedas belimbing fish curry and sambal prawns, we were sold. Since we rarely cook prawns at home, the man could indulge in sambal prawns for this meal! Couldn't resist the achar and the seasonal veggie lemak that came along with it too. It came neatly packed in this three-tiered tingkat. I'll return it to the restaurant since the two-tiered one is more often in use when we go tapau food. #SupportLocal

The man merrily peeled all the prawns and saved half of it for the next meal. The sambal rempah was more flavorful than spicy. Nice! As tasty as the rempah was, I dare not eat more than a prawn. Heh. The veggie lemak featured jackfruit. That was good because we don’t cook jackfruit curry at home. I wished they had put more tau kwa into the veggie lemak. That would have really upped the game.

The assam pedas belimbing fish currry was everything I expected of it. It could have been more spicy, but the balance of flavors was beautiful. The buah belimbing lends so more much depth to the assam. It held four decent pieces of ikan tenggiri. Had to keep two pieces for another meal. We declined the steamed white rice that came along with this menu. Cooked our own basmati at home. The tamarind curry on rice was soooo appetizing that I ate slightly more rice than usual. It was another fabulous dinner.

I was extremely pleased because there was NO CHICKEN in this week's menu. Like, finally. Hahaha. My stomach finally felt hungry after days of putting up with the discomfort of indigestion. I just have to make sure that I don’t over-eat again. That means I can neither have two heavy consecutive meals or two rich dinners in a row, since I tend to have a heavier evening meal.

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