Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Bollywood Veggies :: Banyak Ayam :: Ayam Masak Merah

The man and I keep gravitating towards ordering dishes from Bollywood Veggies weekly since the menu keeps trotting out easy comfort food. The kitchen takes so much heart in planning the weekly menus, streamlining all the orders and delivery dates, and their delivery people make an effort to be punctual on the scheduled slots. That is much appreciated. #SupportLocal

Last week I was greedy—in addition to the restaurant's family sharing meal, I added a nasi lemak set that came with blue pea rice, sambal goreng, sayur lodeh, farm tempura, and a fried chicken wing + a drumstick. I loved the ikan bilis and peanuts. The family sharing meal was sufficient to feed four persons. Hahaha. We kept aside some food anyway for the next day's meal. We declined the white rice that came along with it. There was already brown rice at home; we didn't need more. The meal held ayam masak merah, jackfruit lemak, chap chye, achar, and a full dessert platter of kueh kosui, kueh bingka and banana bread. The man was thrilled.

The ayam masak merah was fabulous. As much as I'm not a fan of chicken, I can appreciate a piece when it has been thoughtfully marinated and well cooked. Balanced spices always make meats taste good. The meat portion for food from Bollywood Veggies will always be chicken. I'm not too hot about that. I tend to dump the chicken to the man, and I'll do the delicious vegetables.

The farm has been supplying us with weekly supplies of greens and eggs too. A tray of 15 eggs take us (+ dog) through the week. The food appeals to our tastebuds, and we're cool with the entire line of sales from ordering to delivery. We love the restaurant and visit often. For as long as this lockdown circuit breaker lasts, we'll support their takeout menus too.

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