Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Too Hot To Wear Shirts at Home

A few weeks into the lockdown 'circuit breaker' and now 'Exiting Circuit Breaker: Phase 1', I've ditched wearing shirts at home too. It's simply too hot to have a layer of fabric stuck to the skin all day. A sports bra works fine. When deliveries arrive, for decency, I just throw on some random top for that ten minutes. I've been living in Lululemon for weeks. Otherwise, those knee-length Uniqlo AIRism dresses are great to wear at home too. 

Decided that the patio is the most comfortable venue to work out at. I don't really need AC when working out. I just want a circulating fan and shade away from direct sunlight. On work-out days, which is every day, haha, I'm usually in just a sports bra and tights. I need to air the armpits. 🤣 This humidity and heat, plus perspiration... armpits zits are a thing. It isn't fun to have them pop up every few days. Virtual classes will still go on. I'm not going back to the studio till July.

The pilates classes are getting rather intense. The instructor is determined to make me work very hard. When one is leveraging on body weight alone and without the help of equipment and machines, every ounce of that core is shaking with effort. Without the benefit of air-conditioning, I heat up faster, and a water bottle has to be at the side for me to sip from in a one-hour class. 

Yesterday, at the final movement of the class, when my shoulders had been thoroughly warmed up and stretched, the instructor decided to make me do hops up mid-air. The point of this exercise wasn't to be able to 'do a handstand'. It's to exercise the enormous control needed to get there. I couldn't flip up the way I usually do. I had to do these little hops on one leg in order to get up to varying heights. Then I had to feel the entire back straighten and try to hold that position in the air for as long as possible before slowly coming down.


jo said...

Impie haz form.

imp said...

Impie was in the middle of trying to jump up and HOLD.