Friday, June 12, 2020

Got My Hair Cut!

After a while, I decided I’d never bleach or perm my hair ever again. It was horrifying to see the hair ends break off whenever they're wet. Told myself, NEVER AGAIN. In the recent years, I never saw the need to pop to a hair salon more than four times a year. I didn’t want to be stuck rigidly in a chair for more than three hours. It’s such a waste of time. On any given visit to the salon, all I need is a trim, to touch up gray roots and perhaps a scalp treatment. In between those trips, I could touch up gray roots on my own. But I'm getting more of those. At some point, I might let them all grow out and embrace the gray.

The hairstylist called me to come in. Okaaay. The last time I stepped into a salon was in January. Wayyy overdue for a visit. It was the first time in months that I wore a long-sleeved top and sat in AC for hours. LOL The hair was getting too long and it was weighing me down. A trim was definitely needed. I also wouldn’t mind a scalp treatment to soothe the sensitive scalp that isn’t reacting well to so much perspiration and humidity. Accck. I did nothing experimental. Lobbed off three inches of hair. Woohooo.

Never thought I’d appreciate a head massage so much, Wow! It was almost as though the stylist’s soothing fingers kneaded away hidden tension that I never knew I had. I kept falling asleep! I snoozed while the hair was washed off of coloring, shampooed and cleaned. When the stylist was rubbing in the serum into my scalp, I literally nodded off again. I continued sleeping when the hair was bundled up into the steam bubble. And this was me who slept perfectly fine for ten hours the night before and had two cups of coffee in the morning.

Ditched the other masks and wore the surgical mask out. I’d likely have to dispose of it after the visit to the salon and wear a new one. Had to remove ear loops of the surgical mask and use surgical tape to along the sides of the mask. The loops would interfere with the processes of color and scalp treatment, and taping down the sides makes more sense. The rules of social distancing aren’t friendly to businesses. BUT as a customer, I’m thrilled. The hair salon was permitted to have a total of ten humans inside at any one time, including staff. So the chances are, there would only be four or five customers at any given hour. Totally suited my preferences to be away from people. Today I loved the space at the salon, the quiet, and the lack of humans.

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