Sunday, June 28, 2020

Happy To Have L Back At Work

I'm beyond thrilled that my weekly housekeeper L is back at work. A small flat and flexible work hours meant that I could easily manage the logistics of cleaning and such. Still. I've had enough of scrubbing toilet floors, walls and grouting. Working from home meant that the toilet bowls and seats have to be scrubbed every day. Sorting up the kitchen after cooking is easy, but I super dread cleaning up after the man is done cooking because he is sooo messy and disorganized. Wiping sauce stains off the walls and ceiling and insides of cabinets isn't fun. I had to train him for months and he'll still forget. Fuck. Truly 少爺病. What I truly abhor, is changing the bedsheets. Bedsheets are changed weekly, and it's a bloody chore. I'm grateful to be a position to be able to hire help to sort these out.  

The bunch of us who engage L's services were worried about how she was going to get by during the 'Circuit Breaker' and the subsequent 'Phase 1' without being paid. I continued paying L for these three months. I wasn't going to persuade the rest to do so. We're acquaintances; I don’t know their work circumstances or the burden of living expenses. Not all of us share the same values. I wasn't going to comment on the larger pay-cuts affecting the country and the world, or how many have lost their jobs. At that point, I didn't know how long our lockdown and Phase 1 would last. (They could be reinstated too.) I could only state my position and my opinions; I can't influence or judge the others' decisions. 

L was relieved to be back at the job with her usual clients. She said she had put on 6kg in these few months without her daily 'exercise'. Heh! It was a timely break to rest her physical body, but she was also worried about income. In this aspect, thankfully Phase 2 kicked in earlier than expected. It'll have to be 'mask, on' in the flat (government guidelines) since we're all at home each time she comes. Although we're going to try to hit the gym whenever she's here to give her some space, and she could remove the face mask. The flat was extra clean after she went through it. Happy to have her tidy up everything. Sent her off this ‘first day’ with a pack of surgical masks, sanitizer and vitamins, and her usual box of fruits—today was blueberries and cherries. It was very lovely to have L take care of the chores effortlessly, doing a far superior job than I could. 

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