Saturday, June 27, 2020

Pink Dot 12 :: 2020

Livestream of #PinkDot12 is hosted on its website.

Often, I'm both exasperated and glad for our country's rule of law. I hate it that Section 377A of our Penal Code hasn't been repealed. I love it that our laws do give a reasonable measure of protection against blatant LGBTQIA discrimination, and a reminder for common sense to prevail. You don't care about the livestream tonight, don't watch it. You don't want to light up your home, don't. I don't agree with some of those movements, campaigns, mass runs too. Why should someone's causes be morally better than another's? Why do we need the government to step in to babysit our rights?! We should just get on with the program and use our bloody common sense, a huge chunk of which seems to have flown out of the window lately. 

I do not stand for extremism in either left or right wing. I do not agree with religious fundamentalism or fanatical political ideology. I hate this growing divide of 'you're either with us or against us' moral stand evident on every social media channel and across all my social circles. What I'm most uncomfortable with, is the increasing passive-aggressive ostracization of people who don't conform to the desired social norms of... the majority. This is probably why I stay off social media a lot more now, and I don't even bother with keeping appearances with the larger social circle. I like my echo chamber, and I like the tight embrace of faeriefolk. 

It's 2020 and it has been a horrifying ride. We haven't even seen the end of it. I can't believe that we're regressing to having to fight against racism, elitism, male chauvinism, greater gender equality, and overall kindness. What has humanity become? The man and I didn't put up any fairy lights for Pink Dot 12. Regardless of the cause, I cannot do cheesy or anything overly dramatic. But pink is the color today, and we'll log in our statistics on the livestream. We stand for fairness, equality, and love in many forms of family models. That is all. 

Can't you humans all just get along?!!!

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