Friday, July 10, 2020

General Elections 2020

Singapore goes to the polls today. Every GRC and SMC is contested. This will be the second time I’m able to vote. The first time I did so was in 2015. It was exciting and expected results left a sour taste in my mouth. This round wouldn’t be any different. Scheduling the General Elections in the middle of dealing with a pandemic within closed borders isn’t brave or foolhardy. It’s a calculated gamble; it’s an extremely old and well-used political move. (It’s anyone’s guess if we would be thrown back to Phase 1 right after. We can’t afford to do this start-stop thing over and over for rest of the year and the next.) 

All 93 parliamentary seats are contested and up for grabs. There have been a flurry of activities from the ‘Opposition’ parties, and many new and steady candidates have been fielded. The Opposition has been demonized and painted as untrustworthy with flawed moral character. But as I get older, I see that it isn’t so. Our majority party isn’t above dirty tactics either. We haven't progressed much beyond focusing on economic policies. The social policies aren't well debated or considered. Have we the electorate become more ‘woke’ though?

This entire campaigning period of 10 days stink of one-upping the other. I was hoping to hear new ideas and propositions. I heard none. Many topics have been swept under by every party. Stop trying to 'fix' the Opposition, dammit. They're not lesser beings than you are. Give them a voice. Is it so difficult to tolerate dissent and critic? If this is about winning the game, we the citizenry, lose.

I’m not enjoying the high-handedness dished out by the supermajority-incumbent. I dislike how quickly POFMA was passed, how it has been used and how it seems to be used. I’m not hot about being talked to and treated like I’m an idiot, and that I should leave it to the decision of the government since it knows best. 'This is how it should be done. We found the best people to lead. Trust us.' That high-handed tone doesn't sit well with me. Of late, when it comes to passing bills or policies, it will only bother with a perfunctory consultation with the electorate. 

I’ll go vote at my allocated time-slot later on, with much reluctance. By now, I’m irritated by all the manifestos of the contesting political parties, all words and accusations, and the statistics thrown about. What a show put on. It’s supremely nauseating. I’ll vote for the good of Singapore’s political stability, which imho, will be achieved through fair checks and balances. It’s not a ‘for or against’. I just don’t want a supermajority party in a government because it breeds contempt. I want to hear different voices represented instead of being curtailed by the party whip. There will be common ground when we get past arrogance and ego.

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