Saturday, August 15, 2020

Easy Vegetable Pasta

I love a happy pot of grilled vegetables. Garlic, anchovies and olive oil over French beans, red onions or shallots, broccoli and mushrooms. An easy bake in the oven. These are my default veggies to go with pasta to make a happy meal. The pasta can be simply tossed aglio e olio. Dried chillies lend so much oomph. The vegetables don't even need to be tossed with the pasta. They could be served separately at the side or layered on top. I always make enough for two happy meals. There's no point in cooking the amount for just one meal. 

Had to add protein for the man. Found a solution in simple honey-garlic marinated super-lean pork tenderloin. He's happy with that. Just sous vide the crap out of it. If you don't sous-vide and only sear or oven-bake it, it will invariably turn out to be too dry and tough. Unless you use pork chops, bone-in. Then it wouldn't dry out so much so fast. #ImpieCooks2020

We're not dining at restaurants often. Or at least we haven't returned to the frequency that we used to do so. Somehow, dining out has lost its shine for us. It's not just about the dog; we're being cautious. Yes there's social distancing done, but we're not that keen to sit amongst a crowd sharing central air-conditioning for that many times a week. We do like the kitchen, and our own food. Homecooked food tastes so much better. Neither are we having that many friends over at our dining table either because the point of the current climate is not to have many friends over in any given week. 


Cavalock said...

We feel the same bout dining at restaurants too. But is just me and her and usually we are out in 30mins plus we go real early before the crowd arrives.

imp said...

dining early is GOOD! perfect for you guys to avoid the crowds for sure. and yes, you don't even have to wait long for your food.

we're even less enthusiastic when dinner hours clash with the dog's evening walk. Hahahah. so we give her priority and then we end up with peak dining hours. Zzzzzz

Cavalock said...

Check this out

imp said...

hahaha. i just checked out the link. heh! the shiba-ken is just quirky and silly.