Friday, August 21, 2020

Poached Chicken Thighs

On a day when the man was super busy with work calls and papers, and he didn't mention anything about dinner by 2.30pm, I decided that we would eat at home. That meant me cooking, and that would mean Asian food because two dishes and one rice would be the fastest things I could do. I can't do pasta as well as the man does. Also, we just had fabulous pasta the night before at Bar Cicheti; I can't top that!

The stocked fridge and freezer provided the supplies. The garlic, shallots and onions were still fresh, and the remaining coriander and spring onions and one packet of nai bai were sufficiently green. All right, tonight's menu would be made up of whatever supplies I had. Poached chicken thighs, stir-fried greens and brown rice. Easily done. #ImpieCooks2020

By 5pm, the chicken thighs were thawed and marinating in the chiller. They were to be poached in soy sauce, sesame oil, dried scallops and oysters, and a ton of spring onions and coriander, and a bit of ginger. Sliced up the nai bai, garlic and onions. Prepped everything else and left the chicken thighs sitting inside the steamer. I would turn on the hob when I got back from walking the dog. The chicken thighs were for the man, and I was very happy with a light bite of greens and rice. 

At 7.45pm, the man finally emerged from the study, drained and a little concerned about dinner. He walked out to get a beer and asked where we should get takeout from. He didn't even notice the pots and pans strewn across the counter, and all the dinner prep! And the smells! Hahah. I told him to just get his beer and sit down at the table to eat. Dinner went down well. The man was frankly, relieved and rather appreciative. Hahaha. I could have simply seared spam and boiled up instant noodles with eggs and greens and called it a meal. 

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