Thursday, August 13, 2020

She Must Have Durian!

Squeezed in one more lunch with S before she flew home. It has been surreal having her in town during these 2.5 months. What a trip! As much as I’m overdue for a visit up north to hers and I want to partition out a trip in the schedule (not too difficult with some careful planning), it’ll be a long time before I see her again. It’ll be a while before we fly to anywhere without going straight into quarantine upon arrival.

Her boys came along too. Not that I minded. They’re well-mannered and sweet, and have been trained to automatically carry our shopping bags without even a mild protest. Hahahahaha. They could always do their own thing and join in the conversation whenever.

The boys wanted spices and chose chicken curry with prata and laksa. However, they didn’t want the additional sambal, which was too spicy for them. Hurhurhur. Their mother and I ate that up. We can do chilli any day. It went well with our nasi goreng and beef hor-fun. We had our own portions of sambal chilli and pickled green chillies. But we would never mind having more. Heh.

S was totally focused on getting to dessert. It had to be something durian of course. She loves durian and would have to have her fill this trip. We ribbed her to say that she might as well have fun summary of this trip- ‘I braved quarantine for durians.’ 😂 We could order in durian items from the deli, but this coffee lounge offers a few of their own. All desserts come out from the same kitchen anyway. She picked the ‘Bibik Santan D24’. It was pretty much pengat durian’. The boys and I inched further away. Nope, no durians for us. Eioooooowwww. The boys picked mango sorbet to round up their spicy lunch. I passed on dessert.

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