Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Breakfast at Dempsey

I blinked when the man announced that he would be taking leave for the week to celebrate Choya's birthday. Hahahaha. She doesn't know that it's her birthday, or what a birthday is. He intends to take her out to our parks for nice walks every day. He's so silly. We always do that for the girl anyway. We don't place her secondary to our schedules. She has priority over our schedules. Heh.

Alrighty, breakfast would be the first order of the day. The man loves a hearty breakfast, but he never gets that at home now. The only one getting a hearty awesome breakfast is the dog. A weekday breakfast is more welcomed than on the weekend because it would be less crowded. That would feel absolutely luxurious. We popped out for breakfast at Dempsey, and there would be plenty of green for the dog. There was a light drizzle, but nothing daunting.

I was surprised that within two weeks, Jones the Grocer at Dempsey changed hands and a name to become The Dempsey Project. Okaaaaay. Well, I wasn't keeping up with the news anyway, so I wouldn't have known. Venue, layout, furniture and all are still the same. The menu has been tweaked, but the previous food items and even the familiar servers largely remain. We walked in without a reservation. Figured that at 8.30am, the crowded venue would be Baker and Cook down the road and not here. There were plenty of available tables, and we had an ideal one at the back that was quiet enough for the dog.

It has been a while since I've had a good mix of smashed avocado on toast, or sit down to leisurely sip a well-brewed piccolo latte. The Dempsey Project's sprinkling of feta and dukkah atop the smashed avocado is exactly like what Jones the Grocer trotted out. I do like this combination. They never fail to make avocado tastier. I don't usually do that combination at home. At home, I do a ton of raw shallots and salt. But commercial cafes won't do that since not that many people love raw shallots or that much salt. Hurhurhur.


Unknown said...

AWW he is so sweet! Hehe am sure Choya feels the love.


imp said...

Hmmmmmmm. -_-