Saturday, September 19, 2020

Fixed Up the Shoe Rack

Never had a shoe rack because we do have a shoe cabinet at the back. I didn't bother to build a cabinet for shoes at the front door. However, with the addition of the dog and daily walks, I'd need to toggle the logistics of having a space at the front door that could hold a few pairs of our shoes for a quick run outside, and also to have the dog's barang-barang conveniently located for late-night diarrhea-runs, daily walks and clean-ups.

One year and three months of living with a dog have found some equilibrium, I know the amount of extra space needed for her things, and what we need to prep her for going out and washing her feet when she comes home. In a small flat, wall space is a luxury. While cupboards and shelves are great space savers, I try not to go trigger-happy with building those. I generally don't like frames on the walls either. It doesn't matter if it's a photo or a painting or a print. As long as it's a frame hung on the wall, it creeps me out. I love a blank wall. Calming. I try to leave as many blank walls as possible. 

When I don't want anything permanent affixed to the walls, IKEA is my answer. Bought a shoe rack. Of course I fixed it up all on my own. The man was of no help, of course. YAWN. I'm Miss Fix-It in this home. This IKEA shoe rack works for now. It's mobile enough to be removed if necessary, or be thrown out if we need the space for any other reason. The purchases arrived in one afternoon. I already have those storage containers lying around. Just needed to shift them onto the shoe rack. Fixed it all up in forty-five minutes. It looked okay. Not too jarring on the eye. The logistic flow of going in and out of the flat with the dog is so much smoother. Now, I just need to think of more ways to neaten it. Heh.

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