Friday, September 18, 2020

Super Good Chok!

I've pretty much shamelessly pestered L to cook us chicken chok once a year. I was blown away when I tasted it for the first time, and was subsequently wowed by how her whichever-pot-used and her total grasp of the ratio of ingredients versus cooking + serving time to churn out thick congee the way I love it. Of course she doesn't cook it to my preferences. She cooks it her way, and I HAPPEN TO LOVE IT. I love the consistency of L's congee. The logistics of readying a pot of congee to be served piping hot when we’re ready to eat are nothing short of meticulous. 🖤 

I haven't exactly found this sort of congee floating around at the restaurants. Even the dim sum restaurants' versions aren't guaranteed decent. Congee sucks ass if we do it as a takeout. I dislike it watery or those super smooth weird sort. This type of chunky (or chunkier) congee is likely found at home. If I'm not thick-skinned about asking to eat a bowl of this annually at L’s, I'll never have a taste of damn-good congee. 😂 

Rains came in the afternoon and acommpnied us through to late afternoon. Congee weather!!! Hurrah! We contributed roast meats of char siew and duck from So Good Char Chan Tang (of So Good Bakery). The shredded chicken for the congee was quite sizeable, so we didn't go crazy buying a huge volume of roast meats. Those were just meant as add-ons to the chicken. 

T and S brought dessert. They didn't bother with ice-cream. They brought a whole earl grey strawberry shortcake from The White Ombre. Waaaah. It was quite tasty! To my surprise, the cake wasn't that sweet or as dense as I had expected. It was quite a nice cake to end the meal with. The puff pastry base and the crunchy caramelized puff pastry flakes scattered over the whole cake were such brilliant touches.

I ate 3.5 bowls of congee. Yup, no shame. Scooped and ate. Repeat many times. Yes, the congee is always that good. It's total comfort in a bowl. 🖤 Ate loads of fried shallots and salted eggs. Loved the cuttlefish. Passed on the chicken (nicely shredded) but ate some skin donated by the friends. Heheheh. We didn't just eat all their food put out by our dear hosts. We also drank their wines. Oof. For a table of six, by the end of the night, we only drank three bottles of wine. Two whites, one red. No other alcohol was imbibed. Not even beer. We considered that a conservative win in reducing our overall alcohol intake. Hurhurhur. Our hosts are always so generous in feeding us and sharing their time and wines.

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