Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Got A Guinness!

I haven't bothered to meet anyone for drinks for a loooong time. Drinks are now an inconvenient slot in my schedule, so I did away with it completely. It's not convenient to match evening schedules nowadays or expect the friends to complement mine when it comes having drinks during the time when I walk the dog. (It's also not fair to the friends when I get to choose restaurants and we all sit outdoors in order to accommodate the dog. Except for the dog's Godma- she has no choice in this matter.) Also, I'm not too keen on sitting in an air-conditioned bar for alcohol right now, or even outdoors if the tables are packed too close together. I find it unproductive and purposeless to take this COVID-19 risk when I have generally cut down A LOT on alcohol intake.

That evening while walking the dog, we ran into friends. Pure serendipity. We all had an hour to spare, and thought we should get a drink together to catch up for a bit. The dog would be fine chilling out for a bit since we took a long stroll to get here. Found a bar within twenty steps. I was pleased they offered Guinness. The other bar we stopped by that night only had Budweiser and Corona for beer, and those were really shite choices. The Budweiser was only good for the three minutes cold. This pint of Guinness fared much better in our evening heat and humidity. 

This area and the bar we stopped at shall remain un-named since I believe that they didn't get a pets-allowed license. Our NEA/AVS are really strict about this license, and while I understand why, and I know how irresponsible many pet owners can be, I feel that outdoor areas should permit dogs, especially since the dogs don't eat there. NEA/AVS should fine-tune the rules in granting this license to restaurants that aren't operating as pet cafes, but simply wanting to allow dogs to accompany their owners. In this climate, the restaurants and bars are suffering from lack of customers, and they're unlikely to turn us away if we take a corner seat outdoors. For the entire duration we were there for a drink, there was no other table occupied. It was kind of expected and sad. 

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