Friday, October 02, 2020


We didn't want to get Choya a 'cake' to celebrate her third birthday. This girl eats very well and has awesome food all through the year. She gets cakes randomly and doesn't need anything special on her birthday. She's already wayyy too pampered. We'll just spend some time with her hanging out for loooong walks and such. 

Treatos for doggies sounded really awesome. Sharing the love with her fweends would be a much better way of a celebration. Ordered packs of super-good freeze-dried treats (three types of protein to address different dietary needs of the dogs) from Barking Good, ensured that the ingredients are clearly stated on the label, and sent them along to school for her schoolmates. (For their pawrents to decide if the treatos are suitable for the furries.) Reserved some packs for her fweends when we run into them at the parks or on our daily walks. Those, I know their dietary preferences and allergies, so it wasn't difficult keeping count of which pack of protein should go to who.

It was easy to communicate with the bakery. They were super efficient. They sorted out the labels beautifully, ensured that the items were cooked and freeze-dried on schedule, got everything done properly and delivered them in time. I KNOW. Don't bother saying it. Yup. I'm that dog-mom. Hey, she comes back from school with random birthday packs from fweends, so I should reciprocate. Hahahaha. I know I don't have to do it lah, but it's kinda fun. 

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