Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Choya Met Tommi & Emily

The BFF is fostering two cats for a few months. Of course we seized the opportunity have Choya meet the cats. She's sooo curious about cats, but few want to play with her. We're certainly not expecting the furries to play with one another. But we want them to meet, sniff and learn to tolerate each other's presence (supervised). The cats are taken out for walks, so it's always good to socialize them in a controlled environment as well.

Tommi and Emily weren't too thrilled about an invader in their territory. Choya did do that growl in her throat and a low bark once she came in and saw them. Tommi's fur shot up and he was all ready to pounce if Choya invaded his personal space. Emily stayed in her little house and was a little more curious and nervous than annoyed. I wanted to squish the cats, but decided not to terrorize them. They wouldn't appreciate the dog's scent on me. I shall bother them at the next visit.

I kept Choya near to me, on a loose leash. After checking out the surroundings and wondering why she couldn't wander as per normal in Godma's home, she was happy to chill out near us. Later on, she sprawled on her side and fell asleep easily. Hahaha. She has no sense of danger, I can tell. The cats were a little wary, but they eventually came out of their hiding places and laid down some distance from Choya and spied on her. 

This is the BFF's home. So the man's super comfortable there, and could conveniently take a few work calls and sort out some emails while having a cold glass of beer. I split a bottle of easy sauvignon blanc with the BFF. On an evening when the focus was on the fluffies, the humans got takeout for dinner so nobody needed to do any unnecessary prep work or washing up to fill the stomachs. 

We brought over beancurd tarts from Le Cafe. GrabFood sent us dinner from some random Penang eatery (none of us have tried or even heard of) that provided us pretty decent bowls of Penang laksa, char kway teow and little side dishes of ngoh hiang, fried tofu and stir-fried kai lan. My only complaint- the char kway teow was good but it used pink lupcheong. YUCKS. I like REAL lupcheong. Gimme all the unhealthy ones. Hahaha.

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