Friday, January 15, 2021

2.5 Hours at the Hair Salon

So I thought that going to the hair salon four times a year would be more than enough. I don’t like sitting for 3.5 hours to get the hair colored and it would take longer if I’m doing highlights. I still find it a chore to have to sort out my hair. Grrrrr. So I make sure that I always take a book along to the hair salon. Otherwise, it will be an utter waste of time and zero productivity. Hahaha. Spending time at the salon means that I have to give up some other activity. It usually means giving up meeting friends during the lunch hour. I try not to spend more than 4 hours away from home when the dog is all alone. Unless the man is in, then we can tag-team it. 

When my purpose is to touch up grey roots, I can do a sketchy enough job at home. But I wouldn’t mind popping by every other month for a scalp treatment. It does alleviate the eczema and soothe the scalp, which will lead to healthier hair roots, I suppose. Except that lockdown Circuit Breaker happened and after that, I didn’t feel like going out anywhere. Last year, I only went to the hair salon twice. HAHAHAH. 

It had been seven months since I last went to the hair salon for even for a well-deserved trim. Finally I made an appointment with the hairdresser. The hair had grown heavier and needed its ends trimmed. First visit in 2021. It’s amazing that she is still working at this salon. Her daughter is already 23 years old! Wow. Has it been a decade since I started going to her?!

Nothing fancy was done to the hair. The usual. 2.5 hours. Just a regular color, a scalp treament, and took off three inches. It seems as though my hair grows three inches every six months. Oof. At least in Phase 3 of our Circuit Breaker, I could tapau a cup of coffee to the salon. It meant removing the mask to sip it and then putting the mask back on immediately, which was fine by me. The salon wasn't crowded since they staggered the timings of clients. I was already leaving when another client arrived to take the seat next to me. It was kept empty for the entire duration earlier. 

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