Saturday, May 15, 2021

Gin & Tonic with V!

So glad that V and I made this date for drinks, because right after this night, Singapore has just banned dining-in at restaurants and bars from May 16 to June 13. Of course it's fun to head out for food (yay no need to cook or to clean up) and hang out. Still, we could pop over to each other's dining tables and get takeout since that's still permitted. V is one of those I see regularly in my small circle of faeriefolk. Unless clusters sprout, and next week, they ban us from meeting other people from different households. 

Alchemist Beer Lab at South Beach is convenient and importantly, its 'outdoor' tables are sheltered under the building's high roof. I've never sat 'indoors' at its air-conditioned area. I've always sat outdoors because, I prefer it nowadays, and it's comfortable enough. The bar is so considerate that it's about the only restaurant here that bothers to place huge portable coolers for its patrons at the outdoor area. 

The food is serviceable. It's got a decent menu, but it is pub grub after all. We had fish and chips, currywurst, cauliflower with dukkah, very hard and undercooked Brussels sprouts. I did like the fish and chips. That was satisfying especially when the bar also happily served tartare sauce, mayonnaise and chilli sauce with it. We were here more for the drinks and company than the food lah. Hahahah. 

It was G&Ts for the evening. Chose the dependable Four Pillars Rare Dry. I love it that they serve the gin here with a bottle of tonic water at the side. We're free to dilute to our preferences. It was an unhurried treasured night. At least for the rest of the month and the next, we can easily do G&Ts at home.  

Somebody was thrilled to be invited to crash this dinner.

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