Friday, May 14, 2021

Parma Ham Topper

We have had loads of white asparagus this season, so when we decided to have dinner at home, we went with the all-season green asparagus in an easy one-dish pasta meal. Cooking at home is still trendy and eating in is now super encouraged as a national agenda. Nobody wants to get slapped with a SHN or fall ill. 

The point of cooking tonight, was to use the beautiful pack of prosciutto di Parma gifted by D. She sent a truckload of groceries over that fed us for the week and more. Cheese! Duck rillettes! Wine! We kept some gorgeous slices of parma ham (for breakfast or as a snack) in the fridge, and used the rest as a topping for the pasta. 

The man had plenty of work calls between 4pm to midnight, but he was happy to take a break to cook. He whipped up dinner in double-quick time. While the cherry tomatoes were being grilled in the oven, he used some bits of the parma ham and seared them into the pasta for a depth of flavor. He then added dried chilli to the mix for oomph. I liked that. 

I loved having this type of pasta at home. Restaurants tend to go overboard with it, and often, it ends up being confused. This garden (spring and summer) pasta meets all my requirements. I don't need it saturated with vegetables. This pasta keeps well in the fridge, and the man cooked enough for another meal for both of us. I fully intended to have it for lunch over the next two days. 

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