Thursday, May 13, 2021

Singapore Moves Back to Phase 2

Mushrooming clusters of COVID-19 infections mean that we now move back into Phase 2, but with a number of rather odd rules. Still, it’s a limited freedom we shouldn't take for granted. We ought to be grateful that we have access to vaccines and many of us are vaccinated. Nobody wants to go back into a lockdown Circuit Breaker. It's all up in the air now. It's the number of unlinked cases that we're concerned about. The virus doesn't discriminate. Our neighbor across the Causeway has gone into full lockdown. Eeeps. 

We can't close our borders, but we also need to control community infections. So we disallow travelers from the current hardest-hit countries. It's quite obvious that many cases slipped out because the 14-day Stay-Home-Notice (quarantine) isn't enough. The government is in a 'damned if we do and damned if we don't' situation. Eh, Health Minister, your boss already said "second lockdown" that day. Can we just agree that it's a bloody lockdown. Why? Is that word not nice?

“If we had to do another lockdown like last year’s, it would be a major setback for our people and for our economic recovery. Let’s not make that happen.” 
~ PM Lee at the May Day Rally held in the D’Marquee at Downtown East.

I have no issues with limiting social gatherings, reduction or cancellation of events and whatever. I'm quite pleased with that. I generally don't even hang out in groups of eight because nobody can match schedules unless it's a concerted effort for an 'event'. Hahahaha. The new restrictions are a timely reminder lah. Some of us are still being Covidiots, and many still blatantly flout rules and diss others who adhere to the capacity limits. 

I’m damn sian that the gyms and fitness studios have to shut again. I need my motivation to exercise lah. Outdoor fitness groups are still allowed to carry on their activities. At least. In that same logic, shouldn't the government close massage parlors, facial salons and spas too?! And if airflow and ventilation are transmission vectors, then don't permit staycations. WTF. I'm annoyed with the illogical declaration of rules. Then overnight, Sport Singapore shifted the rules and permitted “low-intensity physical activities allowed to continue at indoor gyms, fitness studios amid tightened COVID-19 guidelines”, and masks must be worn at all times. Okay lor, whatever you say.

I had cleared my schedule to tend to the dog last week. In that same vein, I couldn't attend any pilates or gyro classes before the closure notice. Luckily these classes could continue. I did manage to get to two sessions of Krav Maga and three HIIT classes at Ritual. Might as well. Those served me well to work off my anger. Went for one final HIIT class at Ritual last Friday before all high intensity gyms and fitness studios were to shut from May 8 - 30. Well. Let's hope they can re-open in June. 

At least I got to wear my new Nano X1 nicely for two months. 

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