Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Doc's Review for Choya

I didn’t know how the trauma, G.A and pain control meds would affect Choya. Luckily her appetite didn’t diminish. She ate with gusto. From post-surgery's four small meals a day, we went back to the usual two meals + a snack. I gave her all the raw meats and feet she wanted. She got plenty of freeze-dried salmon and dehydrated chimken too. 

Her body needs the extra protein to repair cells and grow skin. She doesn’t do so well with organ meats raw or dehydrated, so I still gave those in tiny amounts. She eats pretty much the same fresh foods that she was eating prior to going under G.A. for this surgery. I’d like to think that those buffered her immune system, and these foods now help her heal faster.

I was wary of how Choya’s GI tract would react to the meds, especially the antibiotics. I increased her dosage of fiber (via steamed pumpkin, pysllium husk and slippery elm), Greek yoghurt, and continued with Adored Beast’s Fido’s Flora and Hay Dairies goat milk. Added phytoplankton to the mix too. Figured these should do the trick. I didn’t rush out to get a probiotic specifically with Saccharomyces boulardii. Her pee and poop patterns have been pretty normal, and the poop has been solid. (You don't need to know the details; meds have affected it slightly. Hahaha.) She didn’t have any vomiting episodes. No fever came. Thank God. By Day 9 after the monkey’s attack, her bruises faded and her sutured wound seemed to be healing with no weeping. 

On Day 10 after the monkey’s attack, we went to Companion Animal Surgery for Choya's surgical review. Her attending doctor at Mount Pleasant Jalan Gelenggang was on leave anyway, and we preferred to return to our usual clinic. We had the surgical history transferred over to Choya's doctor.

An ultrasound cleared her stomach of any excess fluids or suspicious cavities. The internal healing is on track. After the team cleaned the wound area, they thought the wound still looked slightly inflamed, and prescribed antibiotic Baneocin powder (bacitracin and neomycin) for it. We'll do a video call with the doctor in a week. 

Once back home, I inspected belly and wound area thoroughly and grinned. It doesn't even look as raw as some of the raw patches (on bad days) on her paws. I can do this! The tees and cones are still gonna be her best friends for the week then, maybe longer. She's not uncomfortable in them. No swimming or bathing, no over-enthusiastic play or jumping for another 10 days. Okay can. We go easy on the zoomies, girl. I can now finally breathe a sigh of relief and declare that she's truly on the mend. Now to wait for the doctors to return from leave and have the clinics fill up the medical report in order to file the insurance claims.


Anonymous said...

YAY :)

coboypb said...

Choya has recovered well due to your attentive care!

imp said...


@coboypb: she's young and thankfully her immune system is holding up strong!