Thursday, August 26, 2021

Daisy's Dry Mee Siam & Laksa

Picked up dinner from Daisy's and went over to the BFF's. We could dine out, but we're also trying to get Choya to be super comfortable at Godma's home. Getting a QO or falling ill is very real now, so we need to prep. Godma can't deal with anything more than a 7-day quarantine, even at home. So she ain't traveling to anywhere in the near future, and can fulfill Godma duties to the dog. Germany is a possibility, but the rising cases from an influx of Delta among the summer vacationers made her wary of making travel plans.

After checking out her surroundings, and feeling a tad nervous, Choya sat down under the table while we had dinner. Once we were done, and got up to clear dishes and adjourn to the couch, she also got up and went to her favorite spot under the couch. Till today, she doesn’t wander to Godma’s study or her bedroom without an invitation. Good girl.

The BFF had a craving for good mee siam last week. I was up for mee siam any time. But we were too damn busy to fix that craving. Till the week wound down, and I took a look at Daisy's Dream Kitchen. The BFF was in luck when Daisy's announced that they would be doing dry mee siam this weekend, and they still had available portions. We had Sunday dinner sorted! 

To be honest, three bowls of mee siam would be more than sufficient for us. But we were greedy. We didn't go overboard with the food, but it was a feast! The carbs would fill us up loads but we had to put in the usual order for otah, chap chye and ngoh hiang

The man had surprisingly never tried Daisy’s dry mee siam. I love mee siam in any form. So it was three bowls of dry mee siamOne for each. And the fourth bowl of dry seafood laksa was ordered out of pure greed. Haha. We said to share. You know what? We finished it — all the mee siam and laksa. Woohoooo.

The bowls of carbs already held a generous dollop of chilli to mix in. There were sweet sauce and cilicuka for the ngoh hiang, but the restaurant also gave us complimentary tubs of sambal belachan. BEST. So glad that I took a probiotic pill. Oof! Oh man, dinner was SO DELICIOUS. We were so stuffed. We finished most of the food, but had to pack away half the chap chye for the BFF’s next day’s meals. 

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