Saturday, August 14, 2021

Ses snart igjen håper jeg!

There was time for one last makan before S flew home. We had intended it to be at home. But what did we know, the government let us out and allowed the restaurants to reopen for dine-in! We could do five persons at a table. I quickly booked the old school but dependable Yamagawa Restaurant at Beach Road. 

I ordered many things on the menu. LOL They do have an extensive range, and it's a celebration of sorts. Well, there were three teenaged boys to feed, and their stomachs would be able to put away a fair bit. They did. But uhhh I did order a tad too much food. Hahahahah. Then the boys went away to do their stuff; S and I went off for a cup of coffee and a looooong chat. 

It was lovely to see all three boys. They're all young men now, confident and sassy. The next time I see them, they would be super self-assured confident young adults. Not that they're not, but they're still figuring out how the world works as they gain both work and army experiences in this city that isn't exactly their home. They've adapted well to living here. Two years in Singapore for each of them would round off their international experiences and stand them in good stead for college life.  

Fly trygt. Ses snart igjen håper jeg!

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