Friday, August 20, 2021

Weather Forecast For This Lunar Seventh Month

The lunar Seventh Month quietly began on 8 August. It isn't the ghouls I believe in. I'll just respect the traditions of those who do. I don't know what the dog thinks or what she sees. She's a tad unsettled in the day, which is something that happens throughout the year; she does have a nervous disposition, and an aversion towards loud noises, and can be rather timid. The frequency of those military choppers and planes flying overhead this month doesn't help. But I most certainly hope that the Seventh Month doesn't mean a whole month of sleepless nights. 

Double-checked the weather forecast and expected patterns for the prevailing Southwest Monsoon. As I had hoped, the dog isn't showing any signs of distress at night for these two weeks. There's a really simple reason- the thunderstorms aren't happening in the nights. She has no reason to panic. She doesn't like loud noises or the fighter jets flying overhead, but she'll deal. It's the static electricity that she hates that comes along with lightning and thunder. 

Last year's Seventh Month (August 19 to September 16) also matched the fierce thunderstorms in the night, and that created havoc. I realized that if the typhoon's path is headed for Japan or Korea, then it doesn't matter to her. But if it's supposed to roll up and hit Hong Kong or Taiwan, then there'll be barometric pressure drops for Singapore, and the dog's double coat can feel that. 

Last year's Seventh Month began two weeks later than this year's (from August 8 to September 6), so I'm hoping that the two-week window meant we'll not get the fierce thunderstorms this quickly. This year, with some luck, maybe these showers will hit in the day in between pee breaks. Or in the late afternoons and nights (before midnight). As long as the thunder doesn't roll in, we're good. We've survived for two weeks. There were two not-too-panicky 5am mornings, and two terrible 3am, 4am and 5am nonsense. Hopefully we'll still get at least a decent 7-hour sleep at night for the next two weeks or so. (August 22 is the 15th day, and September 6 is the 30th day and the end of Ghost Month.) 

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