Thursday, September 23, 2021

Anyhow Asian Noodles

The man found a packet of dried egg noodles in the larder and decided to have that for dinner. We didn’t even need to go to the supermarket because the fridge had the ingredients to use, including vegetables that ought to be eaten soon. He whipped up a pan of 'Anyhow Asian Noodles' for dinner. Lovely.

Had komatsuna, carrots, yellow onions, big red chillies and an omelette in the base. The man added a chicken thigh, scallops and prawns, all for himself. He cooked these separately and added the shellfish to his portion. I didn’t mind small pieces of chicken thigh in mine since I could easily pick them out and keep the skin. Muahahaha. The man tossed the noodles with all the ingredients for a final oomph before serving. 

Added a dollop of the BFF’s mom’s homemade chicken rice chilli. The tangy spicy light chilli complemented the noodles perfectly. Ahhhhh I really like this iteration of chicken rice chilli. I'm not going to learn how to make it. I'm going to shamelessly ask the BFF's mom for a small tub regularly. Hahahahah. Well, the BFF said she can replicate it. Okay, can. I can bug her too. 

We had sufficient leftovers for light bites the next day. This is quite the best sort of one-dish noodle meal that isn't a soup. Something easy. A bowl is good for heavy work days when we don't feel like getting a takeout and just want some savory bites. I'm happy to have it cold. The man thinks that it's gross when I don't bother heating up my food. Cold food is very nice wat. Hahahaha. 

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