Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Dog Tags

I've gone a bit mad shopping for the dog. Blame it on the early morning smacks on the head by the dog to wake me up because it's raining and the world is ending. Anyway. This is like a periodic renewal of Choya's things. Tehehehe. Since she's getting new water-resistant leashes and collars, I'm also replacing her worn-out tags with nicer-looking ones. The leather tags are luxe and indulgent, and completely impractical for water and mud. Water-resistant tags are still needed to be used in school, at the beach and on muddy hikes. 

I really love those Red Dingo stainless steel tags from Australia. They're of a good quality and the engraving is deep. I got four right at the start when Choya joined the household. I should have bought more! Now, in the pandemic delays, I don't know about the shipping time and all, which I heard it's a pain now. Ugh. 

Anyway, I swop out a basic set of aluminum tags for another set which has designs etched on it. I didn't bother with brass since I already bought these from Henlo Tags. I'll think about brass tags for another round later on. Aluminum works fine for me. Till the engraving gets faint, or it gets pitted. 

I was looking for makers in Singapore to do this rather than import it from overseas, usually from US makers. Those end up pricey because of the shipping. It doesn't make sense. I just want them nice-enough; I don't need unique or something so special and customized. Oof. A local maker would be a lot more helpful. This maker checked in with me about the size of tags and such. It's very nice of her to do it. 

Decided to see what the fuss is about for resin tags. If I don't like them on the dog, I'll just use them as a keychain or a charm. Oof. I'm not hot about candy colors, but there're options to have them made in colors that appeal to me. So I got these three made from Relixer Co. They turned out pretty well. Lightweight, in non-offensive (to me) hues, and fairly well-made. 

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