Thursday, September 02, 2021

Congee for Days

As expected, a bout mild indigestion happened. Mild only because I cleverly re-started a regime of probiotics a week ago before I stuffed my face full of delicious food. Meats aplenty, and loads of carbs. Then there were these fried mantou yakiniku sliders. OMG. Mantou! 🤍 In spite of the probiotics working hard, the stomach is definitely overloaded. It's about time indigestion set in. Don't feel sorry for me. I totally had this coming. Dohhhhh.

I’m still on probiotics, and I’ve upped the exercising in hope to hastening metabolic rate. I dare not be naughty with food till this bout of indigestion subsides. So it's back to granola, yoghurt, soup and congee for at least three days. There will be very little meat in the food too. Tbh, I kinda looked forward to this diet because I enjoy the food. I love congee! Wheeeeee.

The staff at Ah Chiang's Porridge (阿昌粥) and Old Shifu Charcoal Porridge (老师父火炭粥) must be completely bemused as to why I have been appearing on consecutive days at meal times. Well, they're both conveniently located at Tiong Bahru estate, and both kitchens churn out nice congee. One closes at 8pm, and the other opens till 10pm +. BUT, I prefer Old Shifu Charcoal Porridge. I really like their version of congee. 

It was a total excuse to binge on congee. I usually toggle between century egg and minced/lean pork (皮蛋瘦肉粥) and sliced fish. For the first three days, I couldn't even finish a bowl. The bloat was real. The man isn't as big a fan of congee as I am. So I told him to either go eat next door somewhere because I'm quite happy to dine alone, or we simply tapau what we respectively want, and eat at home. He decided to eat congee with me for two meals, and that was all he could bear. He then took up my suggestion of getting takeout. Hahah. 

I'm this lean mean burping and farting machine for two weeks. 😂 You know what really helped? Those shredded strips of ginger. I rather like ginger. I don't have an issue with it. Although I'm not hot about ginger lemon drinks or ginger water, that sort. So I simply ate it plain instead of tossing it into the bowl of congee. The man shuddered. Hahaha. He doesn't like ginger at all. He doesn't mind it in steamed fish and in marinades, but he doesn't want to eat it. I explained that it's like raw garlic. Delicious. I love it. He eats garlic in any way too; to me eating raw ginger is akin to eating raw garlic. He didn't buy my explanation. Hahahaha. 

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