Friday, October 29, 2021

Fourth Quarter of 2021 :: Getting in the Exercise

Time to take a break from pilates and gyrotonic. Although it's really to keep the spine and core supple, and these classes could go on forever. I'd like a breather. Pandemic years made these weekly classes feel rote and tedious. 

I'm grateful for them, the instructors' health and resilience, and the fact that regulations allow the classes to continue (albeit with face masks). But it feels like I'm training to no end goal. Yes, yes, I set my own goals and work towards them. I'm just feeling.... unmotivated this period. 

However, it means I'd up the frequency of classes at Ritual. Those are an easy way to get the heart rate up to fulfill the HIIT component. Krav maga classes have begun again, so that would take care of the movement and agility. Then, there's something new I want to try out. 

It's a new-to-me form of martial arts that I'm interested in — kalaripayattu, or kalari for short. Although kalari refers to the training grounds; payattu means 'combat'. I'm not looking to practice this for months or years. I'm looking to do this a few weeks by way of introductory sessions. I'm not starting martial arts on a blank slate as an adult. So I'm not sure how previous training acquired and current practice would affect my understanding of kalaripayattu

I won't ever be competent enough to practice with weapons or be totally familiar with all its movements. I simply want to understand more about this form of martial arts and its movements gleaned from the lion, boar, cobra, elephant, tiger, horse, rooster and buffalo. I'm excited about it. I see A LOT of squats in the movements. Okaaaaaay. Woohooooo.

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