Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Hello Presbyopia.

So one eye has hyperopia and the other has myopia. I generally go without glasses since that does soothe my eyes, especially when I’m outdoors in natural light, exercising or having a meal. I used to wear an eye patch as a kid; didn’t really help since it isn’t actually amblyopia. I’ve learnt to wear glasses to reduce eye fatigue when I read or am on the desktop/laptop. 

However, presbyopia can affect both eyes as I age, and it might hit me in my 40s. This time has come. I felt the sight/vision shifting focal lengths in the past three months. I decided to go get my eyes checked out fully, and get a pair of cheap reading glasses. The man came along with me to get his eyes checked out too because he also felt presbyopia setting in.

What I didn’t bargain for, was to also shell out serious dough for a second pair of glasses fitted with progressive lenses. WAHHH!!! I never knew the prices! The lenses alone range from S$700 - S$2200. For the progressive lenses, I picked Zeiss over Essilor. The man followed suit, except that his lenses are way more expensive than mine because he needed them in high index and in transition lenses too. 

In addition to sorting out the eyeglass prescriptions, the optometrist did a basic eye exam as well. It’s good to know that glaucoma isn’t present, eyeball movement and the retina looks fine. However, there are symptoms of early onset of cataracts, which are nothing to worry about at this point. I’ve always had light-sensitive eyes and I hide behind sunnies all the time. I don’t have astigmatism at all. My night vision is still excellent. After asking me a string of questions, the optometrist didn’t think that a referral to an ophthalmologist was necessary. Neither did I. 

Collected my glasses. Put them on. WOW. The difference is palpable! My eyes don't feel so fatigued staring at a screen anymore. Even reading a hardcopy book feels more comfortable. Placed the reading glasses at the bedside table. Those will come in useful at night or when I read in bed. The pair with the progressive lenses would be my daily go-to. After collecting the glasses and getting back to the car, the man and I laughed and laughed. So these glasses became our 12th anniversary gifts to each other. 😂

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