Friday, October 22, 2021

Stocking Up on the Dog's Beef

Choya has got her proteins rotated right from the start. She isn't exactly allergic to any protein. Her favorite proteins are venison, beef and duck, and possum. She isn't fond of crocodile, lamb or kangaroo. I don't avoid feeding her chicken. She's not allergic to it — chicken feet thrice a week is fine. But I do have to be careful about the type of chicken breast she eats. She doesn't like raw chicken breast. Although she eats it cooked (sous vide), some non-organic chickens do trigger a bit of itching. 

I like the choices of beef at FairPrice Finest. The supermarket chain partnered Culina and Swiss Butchery to provide super decent cuts of meats. Topped up Choya's stash of beef. I was pleased to see veal too. Beef is so easily found anywhere that I didn't need to get them from the canine meat suppliers. Beef is so plentiful that I can pick and choose the leanest cuts for her. 

Went out to a FairPrice Finest. Picked up vegetables and fruits first. Didn't need milk or yoghurt, so left the meats to the last. The meat counter was fully stocked that morning. Got the dog 400g of veal, 250g of flank and 400g of tasty tenderloin. And 300g of lean beef mince for the humans. Heh. 

The dog knew that the packs of beef were all for her. The veal wasn't vacuumed sealed. The other packs sat with meats, so the smells would have rubbed off too. She could smell it the moment I got home. She patiently waited for me to unpack the grocery bags, watched me slice and split them beef into meal portions to store in the freezer. Then she crept closer and asked for a few bites. Hahaha.

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