Saturday, October 02, 2021

Z's Chicken Biryani

— that was totally J's rationale when he ordered 12 packets of chicken biryani from Z at Global Mat Soul Kitchen (via IG). He had people to give them away to, and collected the rest for himself, and us. Tehehehehe. 

It was one of those last-minute purchases, and as luck and schedules would have it, we didn't just pick it up and go. We could make it to a proper dinner. We were able to rock up to the friends' home to eat chicken biryani. Yes, yes, surging COVID19 infection numbers and whatever. We're mindful of that too. We've kept our social circle small; these are people whom we have seen before and throughout the pandemic. None of us are irresponsible risk-takers. 

 The biryani was as good as ever, although the gravy was a bit much in this version. Which was fine too. I'm always happy to eat Z's food. The four of us could only finish three boxes of chicken biryani. What was this?! Our stomachs have all shrunk, truly. I accepted chicken skin from the man. J and L hoarded theirs, and I couldn't steal them. MUAHAHAHHA. 

It's nice to see friends IRL and eat together, and catch on life in general. It was a good evening. Before we knew it, two hours had flown by, and it was time to go home to feed the dog, and to get as much sleep as possible before I was awakened again by a nervous dog.

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