Friday, October 01, 2021

What Phase Is This Again?

We're in yet another fancy term period that the COVID Taskforce named as 'The Stabilization Period: Phase Two Heightened Alert'. So what is it? P2HA2.3? I'm so fatigued from the ever-changing pandemic restrictions that after the September 24 announcements, I didn't bother to check in with what's happening till today. Well, I know, broadly, but I didn't bother reading about it in detail. As long as it isn't a full lockdown. Our economy, companies and jobs cannot bear another lockdown anymore. 

People have got to be more responsible for themselves. Stop gallivanting and stop gathering. Gosh! Being vaccinated doesn't mean jackshit in the middle of a still-raging pandemic. Our 82%-vaccinated rate in the resident population counts for something, only if we remain cautious. Fewer people get seriously sick, and while our infected numbers increase exponentially, we shouldn't be flooding the ICU beds. Hopefully. I don't care about the numbers anymore. I don't particularly care about the restrictions anymore. With or without them, I'm risk averse anyway. My habits haven't changed much from the start of pandemic lockdowns. Just leave me the outdoors. Does closing off outdoor spaces at the parks and beaches but keeping the air-conditioned malls open make sense to you? 

We're at least on the right track with the Home Recovery system in place. The actual logistics of it would be mind-boggling. Everyone will flood the hotlines and the 24/7 Teleconsultation line will be crazy. The Telemedical Providers aren't going to be able to handle it for the first three weeks. At the very least, vaccinated sick people won't be that sick BUT they would have the energy to yell at the poor dude on the other end of the line.

Every FAQ tells you to sort out daily necessities and needs on your own- either via delivery services or via drop-offs by 'friends and relatives'. You hope you have friends who like you enough to help out. Or relatives who won't remind you how many favors you owe them. I hope I have enough friends who would do that for me. The dog's needs come first, above ours. I'd either get a dog-walker to come in twice a day, or if the godma isn't available, I'll send the dog to school to board for 10 days.

To be honest, if I'm isolating and on home quarantine, I'm spending all my energy to sort out the dog's care and welfare first. That is paramount. If I fall really ill, I don't actually think I'll bother to upload the oximeter readings and such online by 10am every day. I'll probably just curl up and sleep. Literally hibernate. If I'm alive after 10 days, then good for me and the dog. has all the info you need. 

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