Friday, December 24, 2021

Aunty J's Holiday Fruitcake

Aunty J made her famous fruitcake and we're so lucky to have a loaf of it. It came wrapped cheerfully in festive foil and lovingly sent over by the friends.

Opened it up and gasped. What a lovely loaf! It brought all of Aunty J's love and thoughts to us, and uhhh our stomachs. Heheh. We were touched, and most appreciative of the gift. 

I carefully sliced it up and placed them in an air-tight container. Fruitcakes keep well and will stay fine in the fridge for the month. Gifts like these are precious. As much as I don't take much sugar, I welcomed the festive addition to the fridge. I won't have much sweets this season. This fruitcake would do beautifully. I'd have a slice on Christmas Day. 

As far as fruitcakes go, this is an extremely good version. It's dense, uhhh moist, and full of flavors more than getting the sugar hit. Mmmmm. There were generous portions of nuts, ginger and candied fruit. It was deliciously soaked in brandy. The man took a slice immediately that night, and loved it. He was pleased to have cake in the fridge again. I don't often stock desserts in there. He was hard-pressed to stop stealing chunks and bites from the fridge daily.  

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