Saturday, December 11, 2021

Breakfast Omelette

The man often gets onto early morning calls. Despite those, he still takes the dog for the morning walks before jumping back on the calls. He's a breakfast person, and will usually make his own food. It's often a bowl of granola and yoghurt, a banana with a dollop of peanut butter, or a can of sardines on toast. 

On same days when he's super busy and can't make his own breakfast, I try to make him a simple hot plate. That morning, he walked the dog early and from 7.45am onwards, fielded calls. Then he had to rush to a gym class. The earliest he would take lunch was at 2.30pm. He wouldn't have time to make breakfast for himself. 

The fridge had the necessary ingredients. Oooookies. I can do easy savory eggs. So I made him a simple fry-up of eggs with mushrooms and greens. There was pita in the fridge. That would do for the base. The omelette would fill him up till he gets lunch after gym. Added a dash of hot sauce at the side for the extra ooomph. He was a happy camper.

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