Friday, December 10, 2021

The Little Wanderer

I was on the lookout for pack walk options for Choya. It's not a must, but it's a good to have, in addition to weekly school days.  I didn't want a structured walk in a large pack. I wanted something boutique and indie. I want her to be able to explore instead of being pulled into a quick 45-minute walk. The man and I take her out often, but it's really different when she's taken out by experienced walkers in a small pack. That's an ideal form of socialization too.

I found a solution in Wandery. I liked what I saw. The team was communicative, open and friendly. They also use a car instead of a van. That's a bloody win. Most walkers use a van and pack in 10 dogs squished together. There would be a handler at the back to keep peace.... still. Wandery uses a car to take no more than four dogs per walk. That's awesome. 

The Wandery team is experienced but they aren't trainers or nannies, please don't use walkers as your crutch. Do your own training of the dog. If you're confident of your dog's loose-leash walking and temperament, then let him/her go with Wandery. The thing about these pack walks, they do check on the overall pack vibe and temperament for that day. Many pawrents don't stick to a certain day of a week. So even if I want a certain day regularly for Choya, it doesn't mean I'll get it. I'll be offered other days if the walkers find that more suitable. That's a good thing. It tells me that they think about the dogs rather than pander to insistent pawrents. 

Happy Little Wanderers.

There was a solo assessment walk for Choya, but that wasn't a success. It took place at home, in our estate where Choya knows the area. They had a bit of time with Choya who didn't want to walk with them, and simply wanted to wait for me to return. Aiyoh. Her grasp of 'Stay' is total and too powerful. LOL She got carried back to me. Tsk tsk. So effectively, Wandery only learnt of her 'true colors' on her first outing with them. 

They told me that right from the start, Choya bared fangs and warned the other dogs to stay away when they got too enthusiastic and sniffed her a bit too much. HURRAH. The thing about trained and well-socialized dogs — they got Choya's cues immediately, and left her alone. From then on, they learnt her desired space and kept to it. Then they had peace and fun all through the walk. Whewww. She passed. She is welcome to join Wandery's pack walks. Heh.

Choya is a girl who loves her space and snifferoos. Wandery offers her that. They use long leashes for the dogs to explore too. She came home happy! She also came home with a bandana (elevating her to the ranks of A Wanderer) and a special tote bag from Wandery celebrating their first anniversary in January. I'm pleased. Let's see if she can get in another walk with them before the year is out.  

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