Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Fresh Flounder

I can't really do dinner with friends nowadays because my schedule is uhhh full of dog. So lunch is perfect, and even better when the friends' schedules match mine on some days. Happy to see J on a week day for lunch. Gotta celebrate her birthday! Asked Hakumai to keep two pieces of engawa (えんがわ) for J. It's one of her favorite cut of fish. Should have asked for more! But there is so little engawa on each flounder that I didn’t want to be greedy. Heh. We had it as sushi. Mmmmm.

There wasn’t a need for cake since J had been well-fed and well-supplied from the weekend’s celebrations. She said still had a giant half of a cake in her fridge. Hurhurhur. Dessert was a lovely chilled slice of melon, with a candle perched atop for the birthday girl. The flame still gotta be blown out, and wishes still gotta be made, and may they come true. 

I bought J no presents this year, except for a card, and this lunch. She refused all gifts, and when I didn't have any inspiration on what to give her, I simply didn't. I value her friendship. We're in touch often. I see her through the year, and I shall like... buy her coffee (actually I steal coffee from her office a fair bit), get lunch and stuff. The little things count. She knows.  

Happy BurpDay, J! Keep your stomach happy. May we continue eating yummy pork chop, and doing random things together! 📒🖇🧮🖋


Anonymous said...


imp said...

burrrrrrrrrp. 😬🍱