Thursday, January 06, 2022

Fun for Ryo & Choya

Toddled over to N’s for a morning of fun for the doggos. She was busy moving house and had only just sorted out the last of her furniture delivery and settled in. She said "Come visit!" I didn’t want to put her out with lunch or dinner, so I said to do a morning walk, and play-time for the doggos after. 

Ryo and Choya are fwens. They don’t particularly play when they’re outside, but they walk well together and don’t mind each other’s company. Ryo has also settled in in this new home, and welcomed Choya’s visit today. They had a ball of time chasing each other around before chilling out.

N still took out fruits! And a panettone! That was breakfast! If she had added yoghurt or muesli, the entire tray would be my lunch even. The doggos were so pleased with each other till we stayed on and hit lunchtime. Then N insisted on getting out some wine and cheese. So we had the savory board too. #winning

It was a lovely long morning of conversation. I was so stuffed. This was pretty much brunch! The skies held so that we could hang out on the spacious patio. It was cloudy, but I even got sun-kissed on the nose! (Of course I had slathered sunblock.) There was a wonderful breeze continuously wafting through. We even managed to get the dogs out for a pee before the afternoon rains came in.

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