Friday, January 07, 2022

Still A Cap of Five To Gather Over Lunar New Year

News article on Today published on 5 January 2022.

On one hand, I'm sian about the continued restrictions. On the other hand, the government has so conditioned me till I'm almost thankful that the Safe Management Measures weren't tightened, i.e. Hong Kong this week. I can still get a life here. Let's hope our rules don't 'tighten' anymore and we go back to a semi-lockdown. However, my immediate reaction to this piece of news was "HELL YEAH."

The Lunar New Year remains my most hated Chinese festival. After last year's fiasco by the in-laws who were evaded my direct questions, lied and coerced me into a situation I wanted no part of, I lost it. I lost total respect for them and I made sure they knew it. My entire attitude towards them has changed, right down to the way I speak to them. I kept it formal, cold and distant. I'm well aware of consequences. I know these games. My family has schooled me in that for the first half of my life. To me, it's not a game worth joining. With a change of attitude, it tells you that I've decided to bow out of the game. Y'all can play it by yourselves.  

The same rationale applies — if I haven't seen you for a year, much less text or talk to you, then all the more I don't really need to see you for the so-called Lunar New Year. Why be a hypocrite. I refuse play this game. If you want to be part of a gathering of >5 or host one at whichever venue, don't tell me, don't include me, and don't fucking expect me to be part of it. 

Isn't it quite the irony? All the friends I have chose to play by the rules. For two years. And it is precisely 'family', that chose to break it, and expect me to be part of it. WTF. I've issued the in-laws a stern warning for the Year of the Tiger. I said it straight out last week because I was pissed off by something they said, so I retaliated. The restrictions and cap on the numbers to gather strengthens my case when I say no to requests. I can legit tell people to fuck off if I don't want to do what they want. Also, I've worked with old folks all my life. I know

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